Emerging proposals for 68-72 Avon Street: mixed-use purpose-built student accommodation scheme with commercial or community use.
The look and overall design of this development is poor. Its brutalist aesthetic does not relate to the history of the site, which is in the Silverthorne Lane Conservation Area and adjacent to the Listed Marble Works.
The architectural scale lacks harmony, balance or depth. There is no base or top to the elevations. Adherence to a strict budget has prevented the architects designing a scheme that abides by established architectural principles or fits into the Bristol dockside vernacular.
We note the architect’s intent to use coloured glazed bricks in key areas of the building, however, the extent is so minimal that bland grey brickwork predominates and presents us with a colourless and uninspiring building.
We are concerned that there could be overshadowing and daylight issues between the 11-storey northern wing and potential buildings on the site on the opposite side of the path to the proposed footbridge over the river.
There is no commitment by the applicant to contribute to the construction of the bridge. This is an important element of the outline planning permission as it would become the direct route between academic sites and student accommodation on both sides of the river.
The setbacks and changes in height of the building can be used to enliven the elevations by applying different architectural treatments to each distinct element. More emphasis could be given to the external architectural treatment of the common rooms on the corners of blocks. The ground floor could be improved by having more active street frontage onto Avon Street. There should be more trees, rain garden areas and soft landscaping.
It is good that sustainability is a major factor in the design proposals, and we are keen to see the sustainability proposals, whole-life carbon analysis and sound /noise surveys.
Willie Harbinson