Passage Street update

The application is for the demolition of the existing building for office led redevelopment of c16,000sq m up to 12 storeys in height.

Bristol Civic Society objected to the earlier proposals upon which we were consulted. Our concerns remain very similar. In particular, we have objected to the principle of this proposal which would require the demolition of a relatively modern building. We believe that consideration should be given to upgrading and extending the accommodation whilst retaining the bulk of the existing building. We have asked the Council to consider whether this would be a more sustainable solution in line with its climate change mitigation objectives.

In addition, we objected to the following aspects of the proposal:

  • It is an over development of a relatively constrained site. We consider a more modest proposal should be brought forward if the Council is minded to permit the redevelopment of this site.
  • We agreed with and supported the views of Historic England regarding the adverse impact of the proposal on the Grade II* Pip and Jay Church and Generator Building. Historic England stated that a reduction in height would significantly reduce the impact and harm of the proposed development on these buildings.
  • Its impact on views of the Shot Tower is mitigated to some extent by stepping back of upper floors. Nonetheless, the visual prominence of the Shot Tower would be diminished.
  • In addition, the proposal would overbear and overshadow the existing modest buildings on the opposite side of Passage Street.
  • The Society is disappointed that public access to the edge of the Floating Harbour is not included. If the development is permitted, public access to the waterside should be provided.

John Payne


Full Civic Society response.




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