Broadwalk Shopping Centre: March 2023 update

The Society supports the principle of the redevelopment of the Broadwalk Shopping Centre. This is a large and outdated development comprising extensive retail, parking and servicing areas, all of which are no longer appropriate for modern use. However, we cannot support the current planning application and have registered our strong OBJECTION to this proposal.

Our key objections to the scheme concern the building heights and overall density of the development. It is totally inappropriate in the context of the largely two storey residential area surrounding the site.

This is a very large development located in a residential neighbourhood of largely two storey homes. The potential negative impact on existing residents is immense. We have requested that members of the City Council Planning Committee make a site visit to the Broadwalk Centre prior to making any decision.

Simon Birch

Full Civic Society report.

Civic Society view March 2019



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