Former Bart Spices site: Feb 2024 update

Bristol Civic Society has objected strongly to application 23/04650/X: an amended development proposal for the former Bart Spices site, Mead Street.

The Society objected to the previous application, 21/06878/F which was approved despite the officers’ recommendation for refusal. Our objections related to the height and massing of the proposal, the impact of these on important views particularly those towards the Totterdown escarpment, and quality of life issues. We consider that the changes proposed would have a more adverse effect on the quality of life without reducing the adverse impact on views. Affordable housing provision was part of the balance of considerations in the approval of the last application. The Society supported this aspect of the proposal notwithstanding our overall objection, in the event that the Council approved it.

We, therefore, object to the reduction of the proportion of affordable housing from 30% to 20% of the total units. We note also the increase in the number of one and two bedroom flats and the deletion of most of the three bedroom flats which diminishes the residential offer and the potential for community building. In view of these changes to the original application together with floorspace changes and changes in the footprint of the development, the Society requests that officers carefully consider whether the application is a valid s.73 application. In any case, if the application proceeds, it should be considered by Members at a Development Management Committee so that all the issues raised by the proposal can be considered.

John Payne

Full Civic Society response.

Civic Society response December 2022



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