Puppet Place, a world of fantasy and animation puppetry, a form of theatre first recorded in 5th century BC Ancient Greece, is still very much alive here in Bristol. Located in the heart of Spike Island, Puppet Place is a charity, set up over 40 years ago to support puppetry practitioners. It offers space to people working in puppetry, animation, film, theatre, visual and interactive arts, creative technologies, performing arts and manipulation.
Entering the studio is like walking into a world of fantasy and animated treasures. Civic Society members will discover what puppetry entails and how puppets are made within a supportive and creative environment of small production companies, resident artists and freelancers.
Puppet Place is located at Unit 18, Albion Dockside Estate, Hanoverian Place, Bristol BS1 6UT. The visit starts at 2.30pm. Tickets cost £5. Members will be invited by email to book a place.