Mayor George Ferguson will be speaking, amongst others, at the Arts Led High Street Regeneration Seminar at the Tobacco Factory on 4th April from 10am – 4pm. This seminar offers an opportunity to understand why and how a creative, arts-led approach to revitalising the high street can engage communities, increase footfall and develop unique, local distinctiveness.
The seminar will draw on the experiences of Bedminster Town Team, with the morning session exploring:
- the impact of the opening of an important arts led venue – the Tobacco Factory – on the area and
- its performance as a ‘Town Team’ – that sought to ‘exploit and eventually explode the gap between art, advertising and entertainment, high street retailing and real estate development’.
The afternoon session will be more forward looking and interactive with a series of presentations and discussions asking how far can the arts be used as a means to help ensure a future for high streets in the 21st Century? The conference is free. Enquiries regarding the conference to Ruth Essex – and regarding Bedminster Town Team to