Temple Meads Southern Gateway

The Society has commented on consultation plans for a new ‘southern gateway’ to Temple Meads station.

The Southern Gateway is part of the adopted Temple Meads masterplan, which itself is part of the Temple Quarter Development Framework (TQDF). The scheme of transport access to the station is constrained by the site. As a result, access points are dispersed around the site. Bus stops are not at a single ‘hub’. Pick-up and drop-off points are not as convenient as at some other stations. The multi-storey car park at the Southern Gateway will replace the current parking on the north side of the station.

Within this context and these constraints, the Society welcomed the proposals. We think it provides a coherent proposal that caters for many transport modes: pedestrians, wheelers, cyclists, bus, private car – both long-term parking and drop-off/pick-up. The walkway provides level access to the station for many users.

But we think that:

  • much more analysis is needed to show that it is workable.
  • the walkway should be covered
  • the Council should be reviewing the configuration of Bath Bridges roundabout at the same time.

We also commented on:

  • impacts on traffic flows
  • operation of the car park
  • direct access to platform 2
  • pedestrian movements and risk of collision
  • mis-use of the bus lay-by

Alan Morris

The consultation

Full Civic Society response

Response to plans for Temple Meads station

Response to TQDF consultation


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