Watershed has an urgent need for space to expand several of its successful activities. The proposal is to build an extension on the Marriott Hotel side described as ‘backpacking’ the shed. The extension would be used for Watershed’s current activities and create more rental income to support its future at a time of shrinking public subsidy.
Watershed has significant creative potential and the Society supports its ambitions to assist putting Bristol on the world map. The ideal solution might have been to move to a neighbouring shed. However, there were no opportunities nearby that would meet Watershed’s requirements. There is concern about the impact of the higher development on the townscape. The Council will require Watershed to justify the height of the new building, and its impact on the local area. We welcome the intention to improve the public realm in Anchor Road where Watershed will have a new entrance that will rearrange the circulation through the building and provide a livelier foyer area on the ground Floor.
John Frenkel
Bristol Civic Society’s full statement [PDF]