St Catherine's Place CGI

Bedminster Green

Bedminster Green is the name given to this 6-hectare development area that lies between East Street and the railway embankment. It is divided into five development plots that are owned by A2Dominion, the Freestone Consortium, Deeley Freed, Dandara and Bristol City Council. The developers instructed the Bath firm of the Nash Partnership to produce a Framework of planning guidance for the development area. The Society responded to the consultation on the draft Framework. There are links below to both the draft Framework and to the Society’s response.

The response draws attention to several matters on which we consider that the Framework should have given guidance. This is a massive piece of urbanisation, a once in a generation opportunity to deliver an imaginative new district quarter that would transform East Bedminster economically and socially. This opportunity will be lost if each site is treated as a stand-alone development. The public interest requires a consortium to carry forward the work begun by the Nash Partnership to integrate the Bedminster Green development with the East Bedminster town centre. There should be a public/private partnership as there is with the Kings Cross redevelopment in London.

John Frenkel

Bristol Civic Society full response  [PDF] and draft Framework [PDF, 14M]


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