Taviner’s Building Update: July 2019

In March 2019, a new planning application (19/01319/P) was submitted for a smaller site than the Taviners Building application which had been refused. The new application originally sought outline planning permission for a development incorporating a 9-storey block. After some additional amendments, the proposal now has a maximum height of 4-6 storeys which will have a much less harmful impact on the residents of Corinthian Court and especially Magdelena Court. Improvements have also been made to the open space. The Society has welcomed these changes.

However, it is still proposed to demolish the former Bell public house (image on the left). The Society continues to object to this. Whilst we recognise that the building has not been listed, it is nonetheless a tangible link with the area’s history and its historical form. We are also anxious that community space should be provided in this area of social deprivation. Refurbishment of the Bell could provide this. At the very least, alternative provision should be made. There is a history of community uses locating here. In addition to the Bell, it was also home to the former Redcliffe Adult School.

John Payne

Latest comments submitted to Bristol City Council. Previous Civic Society reviews: original May 2018, updated January 2019.


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