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Transport & Place-making Group
Our Transport and Place-making Group looks at the future development of transport and public space policy and schemes in Bristol. Covering not only movement aspects, but also place-making aspects – the quality of the public realm.
The group acts:
- to influence transport and place policy and schemes, and certain planning applications, especially by agreeing responses to consultations and other proposals from Bristol City Council and the West of England Combined Authority (WECA);
- to enable interested members to come together to pool and grow their knowledge and views;
- to help choose topics for our events.
The group meets every 4 to 6 weeks. You will meet new people, learn interesting things, and play your part in making Bristol better. An enthusiasm and interest in the work of the group is all that is needed. You don’t require professional expertise – you will pick it up as you go. And if you’re young, it’s useful experience that might go on your CV.
To join the group, email tpm@bristolcivicsociety.org.uk.