There is clearly interest, even concern, amongst Civic Society members about what might happen with Bristol’s Western Harbour. And it is also likely (certain surely?) that members would have some valuable ideas to suggest. The pdf document linked below explains how all of you might contribute in ways from very quick and easy to slightly more lengthy, challenging but potentially extremely useful.
These ideas have been developed by me as a Society member with help from Iain Boyd, also a Society member, as well as Simon Birch, Civic Society chairman. Your contributions will all be assembled and sent to the City Council’s engagement consultants.
For consultation details, download the Western Harbour consultation pdf file. Please send anything to me at: Please contribute!
Jeff Bishop
Hi Civic Society
I am very concerned about development of the Western Harbour.
I would completely support development if it was being planned from a well-funded ‘heritage/harbour point of view. This area of Bristol is the jewel in our crown.
We should learn from Liverpool’s example – stripped of their world heritage status for non-sympathetic design.
On a basic level I believe there are 2 main issues?
1. Essential bridge maintenance/repairs
2. Providing affordable/social housing. (Really!!?? There??!!).
I believe the project is becoming a hydra(?!) a giant over-blown vanity project , attempting to answer many of our city’s problems in one fell swoop.