The Society held an event for members on 8th December 2021 where a presentation was made on the planning application for a substantial office block on the historic harbourside, next to Bordeaux Quay. The Society’s Major Sites Group met shortly after that event and drafted a strongly worded objection to the proposal (link below).
The Society considers that the proposed building would be much too large, both in terms of its height and its bulk, and would obscure views of the Cathedral from the quayside outside both M Shed and The Arnolfini. In addition the development would not provide an active or attractive frontage to Millenium Square where a cycle hub is proposed, hardly an appropriate use in such a public location.
The Society is also disappointed that this development has come forward as a result of a developer-led competition where both the competition brief and the competing competition entries have not been made public. This contravenes the Council’s own guidelines for community consultation and involvement on major development proposals.
Simon Birch
Thank you for campaigning on this issue..
I completely agree with the points in your objection.
The design is far to massive for the location. Something more in keeping with this historic centre is required and something that lends itself to the areas significant recreational use.