Bristol’s tobacco industry walk: 7th and 25th May 2025

Guided walks: the history of Bristol’s tobacco industry

As a contribution to the 2025 Bristol Walkfest, the Civic Society’s Simon Birch will be leading two walks, on 7th and 25th May.

The walks will provide an introduction to the history of the once important tobacco industry told through its buildings. Starting at Castle Park you will pass through Redcliffe Street, where mechanised cigarette production began, along East Street (factory No 1) to end at the Tobacco Factory in Ashton Gate.

The walks will take place on: Wednesday 7th May, at 6.00pm, and Sunday 25th May, at 10.30am

The walks will take some 2.5 hours and will start from St Peter’s Church, Castle Park, BS1 3XB, ending at the Tobacco Factory, BS3 1TF.

Participation is free but booking is essential: contact Simon Birch at or on 07917 403473.

[Featured image: Ringer’s snuff and tobacco factory, 60 Redcliff Street, Bristol]

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