Broadwalk, Knowle

Broadwalk Shopping Centre

The image shows this tired, well-known Wells Road landmark that has been in administration since January 2017. Action is required to safeguard the future of the Broadwalk Centre. The Society supports the scheme presented by Keep Architecture. Their proposals include:

  • a new open piazza, cafĂ©s and restaurants facing Redcatch Park, new links through the Centre to Redcatch Park and additional public space,
  • a new home for the library,
  • opportunities to retain the gym and bingo,
  • the creation of 400 – 450 new homes with a mix of tenures addressing Bristol’s housing need,
  • a new nursery facing Redcatch Park,
  • a new, fit for purpose car park with approximately 400 spaces, and
  • investment in the retail centre to ensure its future, address the local needs of the community and potentially to include a supermarket.

The proposals recognise the valuable public asset of Redcatch Park and will construct a link to the Centre. The developer seeks planning permission for the redevelopment of the existing car park and an area that faces Redcatch Park. This would build the flats, a nursery/creche facility and a new car park with private and public spaces. The design of the new flatted blocks avoids overlooking the gardens of neighbouring houses. The developer will support the retailers during development before submitting detailed plans to regenerate the Wells Road facing part of the Centre. Redevelopment will include a new entrance, remodelling the Wells Road shop elevations and investment in the internal space to support a better retail offer. The Society has asked to be involved in the evolution of the second half of the scheme. It is important that the street elevations reflect the suburban quality of their surrounds.

John Frenkel


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