Civic Voice webinar: The reality behind the housing crisis: Thursday 14th May, 12.30

The second in a series of Civic Voice ‘In Conversations’ with the civic movement, this webinar will explore the new book by Bob Colenutt.

Bob Colenutt is a senior lecturer in the Northampton Institute for Urban Affairs at the University of Northampton and the author of a new book, The Property Lobby, where he says that the housing crisis is no accident, but the calculated product of an elite group who have no reason to fix it.

Hosted by Kevin Trickett MBE, President of Wakefield Civic Society and Chair of the Yorkshire and Humber Association of Civic Societies.

If you would like to ask Bob a question, please send it to

Use the following link to register for the event. The webinar will be held via Zoom and the meeting password will be sent to participants prior to the meeting.

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