Former Barts Spices site – variation of conditions attached to permission

24//02678/X – Application for variation of conditions attached to permission for 21/06878/F former Barts Spices site.

This variation comes after a previous application for variation of conditions that was refused earlier in 2024. The applicants are now seeking two changes:

  1. Addition of external walkways to the eastern elevation of Block C to achieve fire regulation compliance;
  2. Reduction of affordable housing provision from 30% to 20% to reflect the scheme being a build-to-rent scheme.

Bristol Civic Society is not commenting on the first proposed change but we object to the proposed reduction in the proportion of affordable housing. 21/06878/F was granted by members against the recommendation of refusal from officers. In their deliberations, the policy compliant provision of affordable housing was a significant factor and it was noted that 30% provision was extremely rare and almost a miracle. The Society objected to the application on a number of grounds including height, massing, impact on views and quality of the living environment. The provision of the proposed quantum of supportable housing was, however, a feature we supported. The Society, therefore, feels strongly that any reduction in the affordable housing provision, which Councillors considered and welcomed when deciding to approve the application, should be resisted. This would dilute one of the few mitigating elements of, in the Society’s view, an otherwise harmful development.

Alan Morris

Original Civic Society response

Updated response Feb 2024



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