This pre-application proposal is for redevelopment of the site for about 412 homes, 1027 sq m of communal amenity space, 635 sq m of flexible Class E commercial space, and associated infrastructure, plant, elevated ground floor car parking, highway and pedestrian access and public realm works.
Although Bristol Civic Society supports the principle of redeveloping this site, we object strongly to a number of aspects of the proposal. We are particularly concerned about:
- The proposed building heights, which we feel are intrinsically inappropriate and inconsistent with policies;
- The intensity of development and its impact on the quality of life;
- The proximity of many flats to the poor air quality and noise adjacent to the major roads;
- The high number of single aspect flats, many of which are north facing;
- The predominance of one and two bedroom flats.
A more equitable balance between residential and commercial uses would enable a development to comply more closely with established policies and avoid residential accommodation adjacent to the major roads.
This is an important site at the gateway to the centre of Bristol and we feel that the design, as it stands, does not do justice to the location.
John Payne