Mickleburgh store in Stokes Croft

Redevelopment of the Mickleburgh store in Stokes Croft to provide new premises for Mickleburgh and 192 student bedrooms.

The proposal out for consultation has much to commend it. In addition to enabling Mickleburgh’s to operate much more efficiently and remain in Stokes Croft, the proposal would enhance the appearance of Stokes Croft particularly looking north. It would provide a strong feature at the junction with King Square Avenue where its design successfully turns the corner. The verticality of the upper floors provides a conspicuous contrast with the retail frontage and sits well with the character of Victorian and Georgian buildings in the vicinity. It is, perhaps, a little plain though and the Society wonders if more design interest could be achieved. Some use of local stone might add interest to its appearance and improve its relationship with older buildings in the vicinity.

The Society has some concerns relating to the height and mass of the proposal bearing in mind that the site is within a conservation area and close to residential properties particularly across King Square Avenue. There are also listed and locally listed buildings lower than the proposal in King Square, Jamaica Street and Stokes Croft adjacent to the proposed development. The Society has, therefore, requested more information to demonstrate the impact of the plans on its neighbours and views in the area.

John Payne

Bristol Civic Society full response.




1 thought on “Mickleburgh store in Stokes Croft”

  1. How on earth can you “commend” this atrociously out of proportion development to the rest of Stokes Croft, yet object to an 11 storey stepped back office redevelopment where most of the buildings surrounding it are 12 stories, claiming it’s out of context with the surrounding massing. The buildings next (and indeed across the street) to this proposal are TWO storeys high. Looks to me like some very suspicious decision making at this society; perhaps it needs a lot more oversight.

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