Bristol Civic Society objects strongly to this application. Although the Society does not object to the principle of developing this site, the proposals put forward have not been acceptable in our view. We objected to the proposals put forward in 2019 and 2021. In 2019, we suggested that redevelopment should take the form of mixed student and residential housing in an articulated terrace close to Malago Road with private courtyards to the rear. The 2019 proposals were refused and the decisions were upheld at appeal on the basis that they were harmful to the character of the area in contradiction to Local Plan policies. The Society objected to the 2021 proposal on the basis that the Inspector’s decision had not been overcome. We consider that this application also fails to overcome the grounds for the Inspector’s decision and would be harmful to the character of the area.
We are particularly concerned that the height of the proposed buildings has been increased since pre-application proposals were put forward. If built, we believe they would be completely contrary to the low rise character opposite the western end of the site. They would also create canyon effects at the eastern end opposite higher rise buildings proposed there.
The Society also has concerns about the number of north facing single aspect rooms.
This site should have a mixture of student and conventional residential accommodation to contribute to longer term community development in accordance with the aims of the development framework for Bedminster Green.
John Payne