Premier Inn redevelopment

Never mind the carbon, another onslaught on Bristol’s skyline…

The planning application for the redevelopment of the Premier Inn, The Haymarket, is now with the city council. There’s been no meaningful change since the public consultation in June. Hardly surprising really, given the application was submitted only three weeks after the developer was asking for reactions.

Now we’ve had the opportunity to look at the proposals in detail, we don’t like them any more than we did when we first saw them. We believe an opportunity is being missed to reconfigure this part of Bristol in a way that civilises our streets at human scale.

We have serious questions about the quality of accommodation being created, and aren’t convinced by the developer’s ‘green’ sales pitch. In our view, the proposals show a disappointing neglect of how we should plan our city in the face of climate change.

National policy tells us that creating high quality, beautiful and sustainable buildings and places is fundamental to what the planning and development process should achieve. These proposals, however, are the epitome of the industrial scale, nowhere but everywhere urban design and architecture that is changing the character of Bristol for the worse.

We are particularly appalled by the proposed 28-storey tower. It is cavalier in its disregard for the principles that make successful places and the unique character Bristol derives from a successful integration of built form and topography. We’re worried that these proposals perpetuate the sort of mistakes previous generations made and we, who are still living with them, regret.

We have, therefore, objected in the strongest terms to the planning application.


Full Civic Society report.



2 thoughts on “Premier Inn redevelopment”

  1. We need to build up if we are to make good use of the land, be it for hotel, student or residential. We cannot expand any more into the countryside.
    So I think this is fine.

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