The Galleries

The Society in principle supports the proposals to replace the Galleries with a mixed-use development with active street frontages and improved permeability. The Society accepts the argument that the existing buildings and car park are not realistically capable of adaptation and reuse. The basement foundations and River Frome culvert have been presented as re-usable, which is both novel and interesting.

The Society reserves detailed comments until such time as much more detail is made available. The Society does not accept the need to include a high-rise tower in the development.

Simon Birch

Full Civic Society response.







1 thought on “The Galleries”

  1. I agree with your comments on the high rise tower but surely one of the most obvious omissions about this
    development is the lack of parking provision? What is happening to the Galleries car park? How can you have a development of this magnitude with a complete absence or mention of parking?
    This is absolutely absurd! Go back to the drawing board and start again.

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