Proposed development of the site including, internal and external alterations of Listed House building and conversion of lodges fronting Westbury Park, St Christopher’s School, Westbury Park Bristol BS6 7JE. Ref: 22/01221/F.
The Society objects to the application in view of the harm it would have upon the character of the Conservation Area and the setting of the Listed Building, Grace House. The Society is not opposed to the principle of development on this site to enable it to contribute to Bristol’s housing supply but a less intensive approach more sensitive to the Conservation Area, the Listed Building and the biodiversity of the site is required.
We are particularly concerned about the proposed massing and height of the 6 storey flat block as were Historic England. We are also concerned by other aspects of the proposal which, in combination with the flat block, risk adversely dominating the street scene and existing residential amenity.
John Payne