Zoom talk, SS Great Western, 23rd June 2021

Historian, author and lecturer Dr Helen Doe will deliver an illustrated Zoom talk to the Bristol Civic Society on the subject ‘The First Atlantic Liner’, the Great Western Steamship.

The Great Western is the least well known of Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s three ships and, as such, will be of interest to Bristolians who are perhaps more familiar with the sister ship SS Great Britain. Helen will examine the businessmen and the shipbuilding committee behind the Great Western’s construction. And she will offer insights into the Great Western’s exciting maiden voyage, life on board and other fascinating stories associated with this wooden paddle steamer which was technologically a wonder of its age.

Members and event notification subscribers will receive an invitation to this Zoom meeting by email. The talk will be at 7.30pm on 23rd June 2021.

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